Sales Coaching

Performance Management - SalesDash

Performance management is a continuum not an event. Too may companies believe that an annual appraisal is an idea of managing performance, well not at Salesguys.

Sales dash is an ongoing performance management process that ensures at any stage the Salesguy and the business owner knows exactly where they are against their annual plan, what risks there are in achieving that plan and agreed actions in place to ensure overachievement

  • Goal management
    First we work with the business owner to understand the key objectives and financial goals of the business, and then ensure that the overall sales strategy is alignment. Once this has been done we ensure that individual targets and goals are created and aligned with those of the organisation.
  • Weekly, Monthly quarterly and annual reviews are then established to ensure progress is monitored effectively.
  • Account Plans and win plans are created for advanced sales opportunities with a view of creating win strategies and resource plans for each opportunity.

Nearly every successful salesperson can name someone who helped them very early on in there career.

Sales is extremely challenging and requires an attention to detail and wisdom. A true mentor brings not only wisdom but also street savviness gained through the years of being at the front.
A great mentor can help successfully launch a new salesperson, and help prevent a number of mistakes which can occur in the first year on the job, when emotions and fear run the highest.
Mentoring can be tremendously satisfying and productive for both the mentor and the protégé and ideally a mentoring process should be developed within all sales teams. The end result is a higher level of production, achieved faster, with fewer turnovers as salespeople appreciate and leverage the powerful resource made available to them.


Instilling a learning culture is extremely difficult in a SME environment, there always so much to do for everybody.

However continued access to new leaning activities as well tips and tricks continually refresh the mind and give new perspectives on sales scenarios.

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